It does feel AMAZING when people tell us that they love us, or they have missed us!
Inspite of this being common knowledge, so many of us hesitate to tell the people we love, that we love them, or miss them!
Some feel it would make us look weak, or vulnerable, or pathetic, or silly! Some would retort is better in action than in words! This is just our ego-self!
Love-in-action and love-in-words are both equally important and required, as each fulfills a different need!
Some of us hesitate to use the 'love' word with friends, and reserve it for only few select family members. I don't get it! What is the big deal!
I have few people in my life, and even fewer whom I genuinely love! I want to express my love for these few, big time! As often as I can! Whenever I see them, I wanna hug them, and kiss them, and let them know that they are loved!
Sam and I are constantly expressing our love for each other! Now, that he is growing up, when I kiss him, he says Eww Mom ! But, he loves to hug! We are very emotionally compatible, and I really like that. I tell give the best hugs and kisses in the whole wide world! He blushes...priceless!
This knowing that we are loved, enables us to feel cared for, supported, nurtured, nourished! It keeps us healthy, helps us make healthy choices!
PLEASE HUG YOUR KIDS as much, and as often as you can, especially, till age 7. This is very very very important for their healthy growth and development!
Most relationship issues that we have as adults, stem from the way we and our parents, related with each other!
Imagine, having a bad day, and receiving such love from a loved one! Would it not feel good! It sure would!
I believe the love we feel, must be expressed. Whatever issues / biases / emotional baggage / childhood (Inner child) wounds we may have, that prevents us from expressing and/or receiving love, must be looked into, with introspection or therapy (if need be).
SoulNotes to Self: Happiness is...when someone tells you that they missed you!
We are loving beings! We are meant to love and be loved!
I am grateful for the people who love me, and express their love for me!
#Love #Hugs #Kisses #ILoveYou #IMissYou #GratefulForLove #GratefulForMyLovedOnes #GratefulForMyFamily #GratefulForMyFriends #LikeMumLikeSon #EmotionallyCompatible