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Happiness is...standing your ground, in a world that is constantly trying to change you!

It takes courage to stay strong and stand our ground, about important life decisions, especially in the face of negative and nasty remarks, from loved ones, and society.

We are often forced to follow the set life-trajectory, and life-timelines, that society sets for us, especially for women, with regard to how we engage with others, how we behave, marriage, first child, second child, how we raise our children!

Everyone wants a say in our life, from day 1!

Everyone wants to project onto us, from day 1!

Everyone wants to control us, from day 1!

At different points, we are challenged to either defend ourself or prove ourself!

As though being a girl/daughter/woman/wife/mother is 'not good enough'!

And this expectation from us to be a 'superwoman', effortlessly juggling everything, like it were automatically coded into our DNA, is a daily challenge to live upto. And if or when we struggle to meet these expectations, we have critical eyes and mouths, and sometimes our own programmed minds, deeming us as 'defective material'!

A constant rejection of sorts!...leading to perpetuating negative programming, 'Am I good enough for this world?'

It is challenging to stand up to these! I too have had my share of struggle with this! And I did not have the courage, earlier, to stand strong, and true to what I wanted in life, so, I caved and followed the set path, naively believing, that the set path was the only path, or that others knew what is best for me.

When I finally started to stand up for myself and my needs, it was met with a lot of resistance and nastiness.


We are automatically ostracized, either emphatically, or subtly, when we go off the set path, and choose our own path. This most often does not go down very well, with those, who expect compliance from us. Why? Because it threatens their self assurance of their continued control over us, or because it may threaten their own set comfortable life and life beliefs, as they have known and relied on.

The book Jonathon Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach, is a lovely story around this idea, of not resigning to the set accepted path, but to strive for excellence, and carve your own unique path.

The result of the set path, is already set! Unless we can claim it, build on it, and make it our own unique path, we stand to be mere clones of society! This is not progress! This is fear based complacency!

Those that can choose their own path, irrespective of the so called set path, stand to be extraordinary and live extraordinary lives! And in doing so, inspire others to also strive towards excellence and being extraordinary!

SoulNote to Self: Happiness is...standing your ground, in a world that is constantly trying to change you!

We have ONE LIFE! And it is OUR Life! The way to lasting happiness is to LIVE IT OUR WAY! And this is true for everyone, irrespective of gender, age, religion, caste, nationality!

Those who resonate with us, will respect us, stay with us, and love us anyways!

Love, from my soul to yours!


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