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Happiness is...losing track of time doing something you love! 😊💓

Something I love to do? I love to do farrrr too many things 😆! I could never be bored!

During my childhood, when I would play my Keyboards, I would get so lost in my world. The hours would fly by so quickly.

I also took to crocheting, candle making, soap making, macrame, etc. at different points in my life, all engaging and creatively stimulating activities, that I enjoy, and could get lost in.

Now, there is reading, singing, teaching, planning my projects, researching, binging on movies and musicals, blogging, going for classical concerts, many, many, many, activities, that I sometimes get lost in, and lose track of time.

I have select close friends, with whom I enjoy musical and philosophical discussions, that are mentally, intellectually stimulating. Here, again, time flies by so quickly, wishing we all lived closeby, so as to meet and talk for hours, and more often.

There is no one particular activity among these, that I prefer more than any other. I enjoy all these, and more, as and when I have access to these. Some are more regular than others, some are professional, some personal, some a blend of both, some solo activites, some with like-minded people, some that can be squeezed in between other priorities, some a priority in themselves.

The common thread being, I love doing these, and these have a quality that can hold and sustain my attention and focus, for hours on end.

SoulNotes to Self: Happiness is…losing track of time doing something you love!

I suppose being versatile or having versatile interests, can to some, feel overwhelming!

To me though, I look at this as an asset. I am keen on building and sustaining a healthy Work-life balance, that allows me time for everything that brings me joy!

My Sam is quite like this too. He too can lose track of time with things like music, reading, games, designing, coding, cubing, etc.

When we spend time together, we can relate with each other, I suppose, more so, due to our similar interests, and personalities.

I most definitely lose track of time around...Sam! Music! Books! Close friends!

My feel-good people and feel-good things! 😊💓

Love, from my soul to yours!


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