I have to admit, I have always loved making To-Do Lists, and ticking items off of my List 😀.
I come from a family that is very meticulous and organised - my parents, my sister, my aunts. They are all good at planning, and executing, and none of them are procrastinators like me 😆 - I broke the mould on this aspect!
I sometimes struggle to keep up with their timelines, because, everything supposedly has to get done 'Now', and my now is very fluid. Perhaps, I am meant to teach them patience, and they are meant to teach me boundary-setting 😆😆😆!
Coming back to Lists! During college, I remember I would carry an organiser with me, in which I would write down my Lists, and use different coloured pens to do so. What fun! And as I would tick-off items, it would feel good. As I progressed from youth to adulthood, I got bored with physically writing down Lists.
My List making got vast, varied, and DIGITAL...yippee! It is now synchronous with Evernote! The ease and accessibility of it is amazing. I am told by fellow List-makers, that there are other options to Evernote, that I should check out. Probably! But, for now, I am happy with Evernote.
Psychologists say that there are many reasons why we enjoy making Lists...
...help us in organizing what is otherwise overwhelming,
...help us remember what we have done and what we have to do,
...help relieve stress,
...help us retain attention and focus,
...probably also, help us off procrastinating
Psychoanalyst François Leguil says ‘Writing things down, supports what is most fragile in our memories. We spend our time forgetting what we ought to be doing, and what we’ve already done. Lists provide support, backing up these things we’ve been unable to memorise.’ If we forget, it’s because we don’t want to remember. For some of us, lists enable us to overcome the occasional lapse in memory. Each crossed-out task is the visible proof that we’ve done our duty. It’s also a sign that we are capable of organising ourselves, and of rationalising our daily lives. We stick to our lists in the hope that, our day will go the way we planned, without worrying gaps left to chance. We try to convince ourselves that we have control over our world.'
He often advises people to make three categories of Lists...
...the imperatives that can’t be put off,
...the “If I have the time” items,
...a “When I’ve got nothing else left to do” list
All the above, are interesting to consider.
Did you know?...Benjamin Franklin loved making lists. He had lists for all kinds of things. He even made a list of personal virtues that he determined should define his life.
SoulNotes to Self: Happiness is...Lists! Lists! More Lists! 😊
For me, making a List, is about clarity of thought!
When I put down my thoughts on Evernote, as a List or a note, I find the clarity that my mind seeks to feel at ease, and probably, in control.
Listing also sparks my creativity. I remember, one night, I was thinking about a name for this blog, and I just went on listing out all the possible names that came to my mind, on Evernote. As I listed these, so many more started to just flow through. Then, I did the next thing that I love to do - the process of deletion, and narrowing down - and thus was born - SoulNotes to Self:
The thing about Lists that can sometimes be annoying to deal with, is that Lists follow the principle of infinity and eternal renewal - the List never ends!
Nevertheless, it helps me stay organised, on track, efficient, with a clear mind. I like that 😊.
Whatever your need may be for making Lists, it is worth it! May your Lists give you whatever you need, in that moment, to stay on top of your game!
Love, from my soul to yours!