Children, especially of the current generation, seem fearless, bold, know what they want and do what they want to, hold their ground better than most adults, for anything that they may consider as their want or need. And they do so with such innocence, yet, with a sense of surity.
They don't care, if they are playing in the mud, and covered in dirt and muck, or in sand, and have sand all over them, or are painting, and have paint all over. They just seem to be having fun with all kinds of materials, even slime!
If you observe children at a party or wedding, whether they know each other or not, most of them will be on the floor, playing and running around, throwing confetti at each other, or bursting balloons.
Their single aim in life - having fun! And in such fun, they effortlessly, communicate, socialise, learn, experience, and grow! Most of us did the same thing when we were kids.
As we grow up, the conditioning from our family and community, takes over, and we start to imbibe more adult traits, and so-called practicality! I suppose this happens with the reality doses, and Do's and Don't's, that we get bombarded with during our growing up years. We sometimes, forget what it is to have fun! We get too practical, too realistic, too responsible, too adult!
As a parent and teacher, when I interact with Sam and other children, I am always reminded that I need to have some fun! And I do have a lot of fun, when I am around children. I enjoy our interactions. They bring out the 'fun' in me, and show me, in all their innocence, what it means to have fun, and to live life well. I notice, there is also much wisdom, that they demonstrate, even at a young age.
Playing and interacting with children, is a good way to have a lot of fun, and to keep the child in us, alive. This will ensure that the exploratory and creative side to us, will stay nourished and happy.
SoulNotes to Self: Happiness is...feeling like a child!
Mind you, not childish! Childlike! ....Free! Uninhibited! Pure! Innocent! Carefree! Friendly! Discovering life! Open to new experiences! Joy! Bliss!
I would love to be like this, free from self-doubt, free from inhibitions, free from restrictions, free from phobias and fears, that probably hold me back from being the best version of me.
I would simply love to be child-like, free to be ME, and continue on my path of self discovery! I wish the same for you!
Love, from my soul to yours!