I believe that we (all of us, without exception) are extraordinary beings, with immense potential!
Throughout our childhood, we tend to acquire an internal belief system, that is formed and reinforced through our interpersonal interactions and experiences. Sometimes, negative and inhibitive programming sets in, leading us to doubt our potential as infinite capable, beings, and we resign to living mediocre lives, less than our true potential.
We either accept such limiting belief system as a given, or we accept others' projections of this, and settle for less than what we can be!
If we can recognise such patterns in us, that inhibit us from being who we are, or doing what we want to truly do, and make an effort to rise above these thoughts, we can make the necessary shift, towards our dream life!
Nature too speaks of 'being or becoming extraordinary'!
If nature, in its simplicity can show such 'extraordinary', why are we humans, who are supposedly at the top of the living pyramid, accepting mediocrity in ourselves!
I also notice this phenomenon in children! Some of them are already telling themselves, all kinds of limiting things...
...It is impossible!
...I can't!
....It is difficult!
....It is so hard!
...the worst one I have heard recently from a 12 year old...My brain is not functioning very well!
As parents and teachers, we need to intervene wherever we can, when we spot such limiting belief systems, creeping in and making house in the minds of our children! I urge you to!
We are EXTRAORDINARY! We are meant for great things! We just need to remind ourselves, and our children of this, from time to time! And be cautious with the words we use in conversations, especially around our children!
We can reach for the stars, if only we believe that we are capable of doing so.
Yes, it takes a lot of inner strength to give up these negative patterns, and set a new path for ourself. But, once we are on such path of self discovery, the rewards are plenty.
SoulNotes to Self: Happiness is...believing that we can be extraordinary!
One song that always makes me feel like I can reach for my stars, is Chariots of Fire (Vangelis). Watching its video, or listening to this piece with good quality headphones, is always exhilarating and inspiring!
I love its Title...#ChariotOfFire...powerful! Almost gives me a feeling of raring with passion, intensity, and determination towards my goals! It also gives this feeling of courageously stepping out of mediocrity into extraordinary! Love it!
There is a lot of such inspirational music available to us. Let music remind us that we are special, unique, full of potential, a powerhouse of infinite possibilities, and let its inspire us to reach for our stars!
I recognise my worth! I trust myself to reach for my stars! May you reach for your stars too!
Love, from my soul to yours!
#YouCanDoAnything #BelieveInYourself #KnowYourWorth #worthit #YouAreValuable #YouAreUnique #YouAreSpecial #ReachForTheStars #YouveGotThis
'Chariots of Fire' (Vangelis) performed by The London Symphony Orchestra