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Happiness is...a tight warm loving hug! 🤗💓

Updated: Nov 8, 2021

When I was pregnant with Sam, and he would move, I could feel him so vividly; at those times, I would hug my tummy, as though sending him a hug, to comfort him, and let him know, my love surrounds and protects him, and he is safe.

After he was born, I would hug and kiss him a lot. He would sleep well on my chest, as I hugged him, and somehow, there was a mutual feeling of safety and comfort.

To this day, I feel really great, safe, and loved, when Sam hugs me. Sometimes, he will suddenly come to me, hug me and kiss me on my stomach. I feel a familiar warmth, when he does this, as though acknowledging and reminiscing the 9 months he was cuddled up in there.

Whenever he expresses love and warmth towards me, with his hugs and kisses, I tell him he gives the best hugs and kisses, in the whole wide world! It does feel so!

Sometimes, he blows air bubbles on my cheek, which makes me laugh irresistibly. If I tell him, a part of me is hurting, he will kiss me there, and say, 'I feel for you. I hope you feel better soon.' Awww, he melts my heart!

Wouldn't we love a tight hug after a long day? Wouldn't we love lots of loving cuddles? Wouldn't we love it when a loved one surprises us with a hug from behind? The mere thought of such love, warms my heart and instantly feels good!

Why does a hug feel so good?

Neurologists, therapists, and psychologists talk about the neuroscience of hugging, and have looked closely at its effects throughout the body. Hugging releases a chemical called Oxytocin (the 'love hormone') which reduces Cortisol (the 'stress hormone'), and promotes feelings of trust, nurturing, balance and calmness, the effects of which can linger on long after the hug.

Hugging is very good for our overall health and physio-emotional wellbeing, simply because it makes us happier and healthier.

Hugging children often, especially till the age of 7 yrs, increases bonding, promotes their balanced physical and emotional growth and development, and helps them form and sustain healthy self worth and healthy relationships.

Psychotherapist Virginia Satir said “We need 4 hugs a day for survival; We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance; We need 12 hugs a day for growth”...Wow, if this is true, we are running a huge deficit! This could explain the negativity, hatred and violence in the world!

SoulNotes to Self: Happiness is...a tight warm hug!

I invite you all, to take a moment on this beautiful day, to close your eyes, and imagine enveloping the entire world around you, in a soothing healing blanket of your loving hug. How did you feel?

Whenever I do this...I feel bliss! I feel connected! I feel an infinite amount of love radiated back to me! That is the potent power of a loving hug!

Lots of hugs to my Sam, family, friends and loved ones, students, teachers, peers, colleagues, associates, animals, birds, insects, trees, the world and a very BIG HUG to myself!

We are beings of love, and are meant to love and be loved. We are all filled with so much love to give and share with the world around us.

The world would be so much better if we could just hug everything out. Make your world better with the all-powerful hug'...unknown

Love, from my soul to yours!


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