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Happiness is...a baby holding your finger with his whole hand!😊💓

The birth of a child, gears its immediate family into 'active baby-mode', especially, when it is the first child, as most newb mothers would be inexperienced for this new adventure, and its challenges.

The family members, who form the new born's core caregiver team, rearrange their schedule around its feeding-sleeping schedule and needs.

The family, especially mother, would have already ensured, prior to the birth, that necessary unisex items, for the baby's use in the first month, are kept ready.

I remember all this baby shopping being really exciting! My mother had even stitched some unisex clothes, cloth nappies, baby blanky and pillows for Sam. These were so cute! I had bought him, his first set of tiny purcussive instruments, to expose him to their sounds.

Like most newb mothers, I would spend a lot of time clicking pictures of Sam - toothless baby pictures, and enjoy a lot many 'Awww...' moments 💓. He was so adorable (he still is). I would read to him, sing to him, and look for his reactions! His excitement would fuel my excitement, and my resultant silliness 😃.

SoulNotes to Self: Happiness is...a baby holding your finger with his whole hand!

I remember Sam holding my finger with his whole hand; how tiny he seemed in my arms, and his toothless smiles with the dimpled cheek; how he would wriggle out of the swaddled cloth every single time 😃...

Every little thing he would do, felt like a huge event of sorts; we would all get excited.

And everything around the house smelled like Johnson & Johnson something...Awww nostalgia!

Happiness is...celebrating our children, at all ages and stages of their growth and development! And making beautiful memories, to reminisce about, that fill our heart with warmth and joy! Cheers to many more blissful memories!

Love, from my soul to yours!


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